student Life

Hands-on Creativity

Our students love the Do-It-Yourself (DIY) freedom of tinkering, creativity and invention here. You’ll find “makespaces” throughout the school where students are learning-through-doing: crafting DIY metal, wood, fabrication, technology and engineering projects that engage their minds and their drive to create. We have participated in the Austin Mini Maker Faire. Visit our blog to read Time Magazine’s article on why the Maker movement is essential to American culture and Newsweek’s on the reinvention of education with the Maker philosophy.

Pizza Friday

Every Friday, our students can look forward to Pizza Fridays, where we serve delicious pizza and drinks for lunch! While we typically don't offer hot lunches during the week, Fridays are a special exception. We partner with pizza chains to bring in fresh cheese and pepperoni pizzas, with gluten-free options available upon request. It's a tasty way to wrap up the week!

Off-campus lunch

Juniors and Seniors, who are in good academic and behavior standings, may qualify for off-campus privileges. Parent permission and administration approval and training is required. This privilege includes leaving campus for lunch to walk to area restaurants. Students are prohibited from driving off-campus or riding in vehicles of other student drivers. Students may not bring any food back to campus for themselves or other students. They must return to campus before their next class.

service learning

Research demonstrates that service learning supports longterm academic achievement and engagement, as well as enhanced social and personal skills. Once a month, Odyssey students go out into Austin to work on a project that will make a difference in the community. This work helps encourage and giving. Empathy, compassion and character are built project by project. Service learning allows young people to appreciate the richness and complexity of the society they live in, and fosters their sense of responsibility and self-worth. Students also gain leadership, problem-solving, planning and team-building skills. In the classroom, teachers connect core academic learning to the service experiences. Whether a scientific concept, a character study in literature, or a problem in math, academic work seen through the lens of service learning can engage a student’s passions. Some of our partner organizations include: Keep Austin Beautiful, Meals on Wheels, Central Texas Food Bank, Austin Animal Center, Capitol School of Austin, and Austin Marathon!

student council

At our school, student leadership thrives through the Student Council, where officers choose a platform they are passionate about each year. Whether it's enhancing campus beauty, building community through field trips, or fundraising for a special purchase, our student leaders work together to make a positive impact on the school and its culture.

Activity period

Our faculty enthusiastically supports young peoples’ interests! Whenever a group wants to meet, a faculty member will offer a classroom and support. From Board Games to the Gender & Sexualities Alliance, activity period at Odyssey School gives students the chance to learn, relax and socialize.